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Drinking With The Moon

I open my mouth
To taste Selene's ambrosia
She pour it to me -
A cascade of silver rays
Its sweetness burns my eyes
Its bitterness
Stings my lips
- The pain
Makes me want to bite my lips
But I love feeling this tingling
Yes. Her wine is bitter-sweet
It's lonely to drink alone
I raise my hand
And ask for another cup
And once more
She pours it to me
In a graceful movement
Of her ethereal hands
She showers it to me
Feeling its coldness on my skin
Its dazzle enveloping my very being
Its rays like wings
Tears - twin streams
A silent grasp for air
Swallowing a lump
While drowning - drunk and free
I dance and sing
Loving this euphoria
In the absence of rationality
And happiness in state of madness
Engulfing the potion
Celebrating the ruins of the world
Enjoying the view of a shattered sky
I'm drowning in the sea of oblivion!
Savoring the taste -
Of a drink only the gods can consume
Why we, humans, are deprived
Of such a powerful drink?
But...I'm losing my sanity
In state of a lovely delirium
Under the spell of the night
Free and wild
While drinking under the moonlight
Devouring the sky
Drinking the cure for mortality
Healing myself from normality
And yes! A toast!
To the goddess who shares this with me!
To a true senseless self
Worth living for than being sane!
Yes! To madness!
It's lonely here
So come join me!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Lately, I'm having a hard time connecting to this website T____T
Editing stage: 


I really loved your poem but I felt that it needs to be broken up into stanza's the way it sits now it reads like a list, it will give your words more emphasis and impact ...

my favourite lines

A cascade of silver rays
Its sweetness burns my eyes
Its bitterness
Stings my lips
- The pain
Makes me want to bite my lips
But I love feeling this tingling
Yes. Her wine is bitter-sweet

kindest regards Jayne-Chloe

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I cannot find it, I wanted to quote Su Tung Po, an ancient Chinese poet+ as he loved to get drunk and go walks beside lakes with his friends, lifting his cup of wine to the moon, but, as I said I didn't find it. It was something, coming from such a fantastic mind like his, that amused me specially about him. The Gay Genius is the title of Lin Yutang's book, he was a character, not only writing verse, but a politician,...the list is long.

I too think it would look a nicer chain of words with breaks for breath here and there, as Jayne Chloe says. Some very nice evocative images here.

I will come and join you, where? Love Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

lovely poem

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