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On the great Australian Coat of Arms two creatures grace it with their charms
One is a big rad kangaroo The other is a lanky legged emu
Now why do you think they picked these two
Riddle of the Emu and Kangaroo
Why do you think they picked this pair
Keep on guessing if you dare.
It drove me mad I had to know why pick them for where they go
A bird with no wings that cannot fly and a voiceless beast that cannot cry
Well the Emu runs like a locomotive it can swerve and it can sway
It runs headfirst into the future making progress everyday
The Kangaroo is like his brother an easy thing which I can prove
In bounding leaps just like the other Can’t go backwards on the move
Neither creature would be a Rep If ever they took a backward step
Shows how the Country can not digress but always make forward progress

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Last few words: 
The Australian Coat of Arms
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Yes you are absolutely right. I also pray for a better outcome from Labour Government than we have seen in the past.

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