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Australia Day 2013

(A Commemorative Retrospective)

Sup with me
this bread of affliction
on which our fellowship
was made whole, amid mould.

Drink with me
this cup of sacrifice,
our atonement now
from derision complete.

Which generation
withered in searing,
wanton parchedness;
whose generation
bleeds and sweats
for dreams gone dry.

Why Australia, God --
its dusty ochred plains
You must kindly love;
forever in Your heaving
bosom gently lay,
Eternal Promise unfold.

Bring upon us a single heart,
of filial bonds that unify;
where interwoven camaraderie
and interleaving affections,
Your presence and worth
is resplendent, alive forever.


Last few words: 
The Australian nation was birthed from the turmoil of the 1700s. Mad, King George III ruled the Empire and the tumultuous social upheavals of old Mother England and the American colonies had brought Australia into the picture. It was a saga of epic proportions, and throughout adversities and unique challenges a new people was formed, with a lifestyle and philosophy peculiar as the land it had adopted as its own.
Editing stage: 


I love your retrospective I wouldnt change a word nicely done ...

I am about to post one for aussie day more a ballad I guess I am not sure what it is to be honest lol Enjoy your day and stay safe :))

love Jayne-Chloe xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

The ballad is a perfect idea! Wow. If I'm not on it solos as it's up, hit me up :-) were having cyclonic weather so we're all snuggled up and watching the grass and plant life rejoice. Hope your Aussie day is a pleasant one.

'write on! let these words free.'

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They are predicting floods for our area we are staying inside though its still hot here muggy and sweaty
Let's hope it doesn't do too much damage

Love Jc xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

we are much better located this year than in 2011. So we got spared. There are other issues that are of concern now, primary services are highly stressed, city wide: town water, electricity, gas, and telecom. So we are hunkering down for the crisis.

'write on! let these words free.'

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Out of many hardships and grief
Rose a Nation of people
Who will one day be an example to all
She is called Australia..

Your write is good, and a poignant piece for today, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

The extent of the hardship & challenges is staggering, as I believe is across the board for many people's and many histories. A few are lucky, and they must consider themselves fortunate in a way. Thank you for sharing in this tribute. Kindest regards to you. :-)

'write on! let these words free.'

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Should be more like you.
Must look up the national anthem of Australia on you tube

But I suspect "real" patriots would decline to agree.

True that, though, what you say. i am in a way and i find it is both sad and fascinating. My author's note alludes to the lunacy of the period: George III, Capt. Bligh, et al.

There is such poetic sorrow & regret to history, whoever's version of it there is, that even their stories our lips & thoughts forget. This is probably why I soak in documentaries of "lost" cultures & civilisations, both historic & legendary. It's about a collective experience, a shared journey & awareness. And not all of it is show linen. There are skeletons in each person-history's closet.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts &!journey with this poem.

'write on! let these words free.'

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