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I am no fan of this material progress
where brain has supplanted the mind,
belief held only in touchable things.
(The humanities not being required
where physical science sets the rule.)

Feels cold without, a bit sterile,
the wind screams, and the frost,
with a smile, loves to crack bones.
(So I sit within, feeling secure
before my fire's womb-like glow.)

Just let me burn utmost my spark of life,
and when that spark returns my husk
to science’s 2nd law of thermodynamics;
( let that part empirically denied
once again bathe in the fire.)

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hi jerryk

I am not a science teacher, but following physics and astronomy as hobby, I have gained a little insight.

An example would be: without an outside energy source a system will continually break down, why the body is dependent on food.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

An example would be:
without an outside energy
a system will continually break down,
why the body is dependent on food.

water and air mainly
food comes laterly

yes humans plants and animals depend only on the sun only spirituals may not
as they live inside incubation of lords

Hello, tyro,
I have learned a great deal from isolation, one being that companionship and physical contact with others feeds the soul. Science is amazing and quite the miracle in itself. Our affirmations for each other are equal in value with our material and physical sources of energy. Thank you for this poem. My favorite line: 'Just let me burn utmost my spark of life...'

Hi Lovedly
its lovely you drop by.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment

many mightier thanks tyro

Thanks for the comments, Lavender. glad if the poem said something to you.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

author comment
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