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Out of Curiousity

Who is your favorite classical poet and who is your favorite contemporary poet?


I am afraid that I rarely read any poetry of any type.
I can recall the great names but could not tell you what they write. My memory of things I read is not good and I speed read missing most times the point.
I do read here on Neo all the poems put on stream each day but only comment on a few, it is far to time consuming and there are only 24 hours per day.
I recall the odd phrase from many poets but not their works.
OK a lost time for me but I believe that you need to be trained in such arts.
I speak as I find and can write about anything instantly, as I said before I would write for people a while back now but sometimes I return to those scribbles as I did with "Aussies Serenaid" it was written for our lovely poet.
I am aware of Shakespeare and had his complete works also, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and would love to read "The World of Rumi" but time to me here is in short supply it is now 00-52 and I am up late again, I must go to bed..
Take care and good luck with your quest,
Yours as always, Ian..

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Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

No reason your favorite contemporary poet couldn't be one on site. Thanks for lending your thoughts to this blog........stan

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Esker/Orgami/Steven a natural poetic genius.
Well, got to stand by my hero, for reasons including and beyond poetry, Coleridge.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

IS damn good isn't he? I've read little Coleridge though so I'll take your word for his being good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.......stan

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read more poetry. You are talented but limited.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I barely have time to visit here lol. Home is up for sale, building a home for youngest son,scouting for upcoming deer season plus the usual day to day stuff. But I've been reading a big anthology a lot.....stan

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but I do so love my British poets. The Canon of Six (Blake, Byron, Keats... ) is almost contemporary. I tend to look at things from a millennial perspective, so these guys are very today for me.

But also Lonnie.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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and Esker and Lonnie are the best on this site. Esker has even started giving critical feedback, which makes him more "valuable".
Still, Esker is the best poet I have read in the 21st C.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

You're either going to give Esker the big head or writer's block lmao.......stan

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