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Rula's blog

A farewell letter...

I sent August a farewell letter
and begged it not to come back again
unless its summer's sun-so hot,
is substituted by graceful rain.

Lol...Not a fan of Summer. It has been between 45○-50○ for more than three months now and still continues for two more in this part of my world.

I'm nobody! Who are you?

By Emily Dickinson
I like to share this work by Emily Dicknson. "A little Gem"  I'd say. Simple yet very impressive.

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us -don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog! 

The Arabian Treasures (2)

ابيات لللإمام علي بن أبي طالب

وَلَدَتكَ اُمُكَ يَابنَ ادمَ باكياً
والناسُ حَولكَ يَضحكونَ سٌروراً
فاحرص على عملٍ تكون اذا بكوا
في يوم موتِكَ ضَاحِكاً مسروراً

My Translation

 Verses for: Al-Imam Ali Ben Abi Talib

Oh man! You're screaming when you're given birth

while all the people 'round, were laughing,

From The Arabian treasures (1)

                                           ابيات للامام الشلفعي
نَعيبُ زَمانَنا وَالعَيبُ فينا       وَما لِزَمانِنا عَيبٌ سِوانا
وَنَهجو ذا الزَمانِ بِغَيرِ ذَنبٍ       وَلَو نَطَقَ الزَمانُ لَنا هَجانا
وَلَيسَ الذِئبُ يَأكُلُ لَحمَ ذِئبٍ       وَيَأكُلُ بَعضُنا بَعضاً عَيانا

The Arabic verses are some of the Arabian Treasures. I am merely translating. Hope I'm giving it its justice:

Hilal Ramadan
** Hilal is the Arabic version of the word "crescent

Hope everybody is safe

I am sorry to hear about the hurricans that hit wide parts of USA. I sympathise with those who lost their homes and/or children and properties. Mother nature sometimes shows merciless manners but I think we should make use of such harsh lessons. Life is really shorter than anyone expects. Only good deeds and faith count at the aftermath.
Please just confirm that our fiends there are safe if you hear any news about/ from them..
Be safe.

Blogs between secret diaries and shared journals

I like the idea of the blogs. Honestly speaking I firstly thought it is a secret place where you write whatever you like without having the other's see -yes, I thought it is something like a diary. Later on I found out that blogs can be public where all can read and share.
My question is do you think that the blog should be one's secret place? Or should it be public? And if so how is it different from sharing any forum entry?

Hope someone would tell me coz I honestly am not sure.

Is it my lucky day?

Is it my lucky day?

That's at least
what others
might say
when they see
locked in

They didn't know
that when you held
my heart there
you promised
to keep it free
for me,
on the contrary,
you locked me in,
and you went,
you left,
and you never said
if 'tis my lucky day!


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