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Editing - polished draft

Sic transit gloria Americae

What a sad degraded world it is we live in:
Violent, adulterous, hypocritical cruds
Masquerading as celebrities, Hollywood heroes,
TV entertainers and basketball studs;
And that's just the half of it.

Brown Eyes

At the edge of sumac, sassafras and pine
Shielded by the folio canopies you adore
you nestle barefoot atop the carpet of moss
A simple thing the sun had no part in
Just outside your sanctuaries rim; and the tips of your unfilled fingers
Sway a field of scented samples of all a woman is made of

October Plans... [October Contest]

October is a scary month
In more ways than one
It means the end of summer
For me, that means the fun

Endless raking leaves
Temps are dropping fast
Get everything winterized
Ready for Winter's blast

The streets are looking spooky
We got some fog last night
I've seen my grandkids costumes
They're some scary sights

October's almost over now
Halloween still to come
Hey kids, I take you "Treating"
Make sure you save me some!

Easy Is Hard To Do

I could really get into you
Easily love you even
But there are differences and
Friends can be cruel.

I could be your best friend
I could say it; just fill your ears
But with friendship comes trust
And you trust to easily

I could marry you
Live and thrive between the walls
But with love comes devotion
And you love to easily

I will not say goodbye
It would be the nice thing to do
But with nice, comes your smile
And I cry to easily

By: K. Mulroney

Sounds at Dusk

I’ve walked this road a thousand times
and probably a thousand to come
Changes are subtle but still they befuddle
My eyes catch the shifting of some

The mist has arrived in dusks fading light
The shadows that fall now seem twisted
I take cautious steps not knowing why
Now find myself taunt and tight fisted

The concrete seems soft, leaving my mark
Behind me the trail disappears
My eyes are deceiving but ears are receiving
the low groans they suddenly hear

Ninth Dimension

It is so sad to feel this way
The glue has come undone
I see no way to remedy
The twisted side has won

A world that races wildly on
With plundering and shame
The only way to sidestep this
Is play that deadly game

An entity of greed and force
Lives totally aware
Inside my intellect it breeds
Those wicked words of flair

That is the way I capture them
And toy to my delight
That words of beastly attitude
Will mirror their hate tonight

Wrinkles In a Cup

The coffee was acidly strong right about then.
Just hung stingy and pricking on the buds.
I knew I tasted this bitterness before and there I stood.
Holding in the sour guts of it all night; delaying the foreseeable.
All night, changing the words, shielding the wound.

I am not Indispensable

The world does not end
when one goes away
7.5 Billions were not here yesterday
many are born every day
today we are
tomorrow we can't say
life has its own flow
it is a River of No Return
and now all know

But all always did also
yet kept their eyes blindfolded
O Lord is eyeing us
from that distance
awaiting me
perhaps now it's my turn'

Grief too has a time limit
then all resume breakfast
Thanks Giving


Thoughts are better off born without much thought.
Alarms ring, feet muster the morning chill.
Beat the clock, steal a glance a second.
Tick and clang reverberates your brain.
You know the one you put to bed a mere hour ago.

Fast lanes passing on the right.
Toll cards and frozen elevators.
Forty floors up to boredom.
Could spit fall at such a rate as to break
apart the ants head?

She Dies Unwillingly

I will never convince the masses to turn.
Threats they’ll burn fall like scattered beads.
It’s an old tale they have hardened to.
The ocean is dying, the forests are crying.
Though not by way of rain.

This world we walk has a heart and soul.
At least it began that way.
But today she’s hanging by a thread
and I dread the outcome.

Can we not hold hands somewhere
and swear to try again?


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