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The Repentance of Coming Home

11, 9:28 pm
At the end of a day you come home,
if you are fortunate enough to have a home to
come to:
the key fits, your belongings are all where you
left them,
but something has changed, something's not
quite the same,
you realize you're different, you've taken on a
patina and the stuff of your life no longer fits,
what do you do?

Your whole life is an answer to that question, you walk
through beginnings and endings with the unutterable
truth. You make calculations and you lose some and win some,
you adjust your crown of thorns and bandage your own wounds,
You apply cold logic to your heart of hearts, bearing the unbearable and
you make love as if your love was penance for being alive.

You read poetry and you know there are soft words between hard covers,
moonlight filters through your window, a mote of dust settles in your eye
and you see things just the way you are.

Editing stage: 


Wow this one hits it right on the nail Anna. If anyone can write poetry that stirs the soul and heart and is also deep and reflective, it is YOU. I just love the whole write and this is the paragraph that grabbed me inside

Your whole life is an answer to that question, you walk
through beginnings and endings with the unutterable
truth. You make calculations and you lose some and win some,
you adjust your crown of thorns and bandage your own wounds,
You apply cold logic to your heart of hearts, bearing the unbearable and
you make love as if your love was penance for being alive.

And the ending was the icing on the cake!!

Bravo Bella.. great stuff my gal

I see the cold hard truth through your poem about how the ways of life no longer fit. You truly nailed it in this piece. Especially bearing the unbearable.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

all those little roads taken or not adding up to a different reality.............stan

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