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The Insistence of Poetry

I reveled on the fringe,
gathered my skirts...

I loved to love and hated
my love of the tainted love
that drowned out the sounds
of drowning men in the sea of
modernity. I scoffed at excess
and drew perpendicular lines in the
sand, announcing myself the prophet
of the ages, an oracle of poetry.

Quickly, without fanfare, I bored myself,
my instigations, infatuations,
insinuations and recriminations--caught up in
a two-step of an endless loop. My DNA
was shouting mad. I became mad. I
lost myself in the abyss, everything screamed
and begged for mercy. But I was a cannibal,
I ate everything on my plate.

August rain is falling, and the noise deafens
my fortitude. I am weak with the insistence
of myself.

I will dance as long as my breath remembers how,
in spite of myself. I still write poetry.

Editing stage: 


reading through this write one perceives a mind in commotion ....reminiscing of of lifetime events and their impact..some logical some beating reason ..wondering if it is inherent or through mis judgement and amidst the chaos seeking refuge in poetry..refreshing like the first spell of rain ....that's how i perceived it...may be right..may be off target...

raj (sublime_ocean)

"The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on ...."


author comment

what you have said is true that "A moving finger writes and having writ, moves on".. a wonderful line for sure but it neither confirms nor refutes my perception of your write...makes me wonder if i was half right and half wrong..

raj (sublime_ocean)

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