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a hand that plays the guitar does not hold a gun


I think perhaps
a whisper
is enough ~

my awakening face
sliced from the womb
this first day

will you be my clever man
my man
of high degree?

I erupt in lush vegetation
a secret serpent

ready to strike
a deadly embrace
bowl-shaped hollows



In dreamtime, you summoned me,
i was dust gathering to your feet,
but you loved me into existence
and you carried me to the river and
the waterfall,
I fell with you and we wore lotus blossoms
with damp impressions

we walked a thousand miles of red earth,
unusual songs of smooth rocks and silver brush
that burst into flames

I wiped away tears.


fate is not an act that is soon
perfect lucidity
is the silence
that plucked your face
from all that sea
and wrote your name
in all that dust
like sand art,
swirling into a canvas
of dark seeds
dreaming of sun
and home,
just around the bend
of your arm.

Last few words: A big thank you for Pleiades this morning for pm the above youtube. Part 1 is from 2005.
Editing stage: 


'Ello dearest, my friend, of course, was and is in dreamtime...Barry-- he's the one I dreamed up, so to speak. A man who walks his talk.

Hope all is well down under... Spring around your corner...

How's Liz and grandbaby? Tell her to visit Neo...we miss her voice too....and where's Fleur?


author comment

black guitar
black stock
brass adjustments
brass cartridge
sling straps
in rest the hands
talented for chord
making for subtle
tones and killing

Love your line
"Just around the bend of your arm"

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