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there is nothing
between the sky and earth,
see how they form one circle?

there are signs everywhere:
the water drop and the waterwheel
on a landscape of the Maiden Moon
dervish in the sun,
the silk cocoon inside a spider's web,
the apple falling from the blossom
and the nest adorned with little speckled
brown eggs, hidden from sight, but watched

i am no longer a stranger in Paradise
and your fingers have outlined me,
i loved you less once,
though you wrote poetry from
the far land where mules dreamed
they were of dragon descent and
love was an an ancient art
that left us immortal,

Editing stage: 


I can't believe noone has commented on this poem. There are few who can outwrite you here. I love everything here especially the last line.

John (If God Lived On Earth People Would Break His Windows)

Hi John, thank you for reading. My poems elicit few comments and few readings. I'm not exactly accustomed to that but I'm getting there. ;-) It's a good thing I have a smorgasbord of a life.


author comment

I don't exactly get many comments on my own poems. Perhaps thats because I am remiss in making my oppinion known on the work of others. Though I don't exactly feel confident to remark on all your work some sparkle more than others. And some simply sparkle more than the work of most others on this site. This poem is evidence of that.


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