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The Crow


the old crow
that blotted out the sun
perched upon a fencepost
and made faces
I have only ever seen
with nose pressed
against the pane
as I spied
ochred leaves
straddle the spine
of a willing breeze
to where tomorrow
could not yet be


Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Love the beginning & ending
but the middle could use less cliche,

such as:

leaves pressed against the window pane,
I see fallen
into the saddle....


nose pressed and spied fallen leaves.
I've rephrased those lines as per your suggestion.
I am wondering though about this drive in contemporary poetry to be sterile of all cliché.
There must be some amount of near-cliché that allows readers to connect with certain lines in a poem.
Of course you wouldn't want it to be an outright cliché. I am not aware of those phrases in question being over used in poetry and would appreciate being made aware of their actual standing on the clichemeter. Just got back from the online cliché finder and none of those came up. :-)

'write on! let these words free.'

author comment

of course twas only a crow
what else!


a petite delight, like a rustic friand of poetry!

You have captured a moment eloquently and elegantly with your rewrite.


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