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when friends depart

Fare thee well

We lost a good friend
send him this rose
Heaven knows
which way he goes
life's ways are unique
we also will soon follow
if not, no one knows
we only our love
can only bestow


I am still least part of me.:} am writing when I can, but I am will be soon, but I stay alive until...

How terribly sad I feel terrified for what is ahead.

may Christ be always with you, my friend


Be not afraid of the inevitable morn
as you did not know
what happened when you were born
the same will happen
to all of us that one morn

stay alive
jive and play your master strokes
masterpieces have yet you to evoke

for that there is still time
the midnight bells are far yet to chime

let Joe your poetry rhyme
ere tis time

author comment

Ian is right. You still have many friemds. Loss is a tragedy, You will always have my friendshjip as long as I am still here.\joe

we all love u so
as ur with us
all the more
u will get well soon
tell the priest to reform

u r not yet even 70!!!!!
a long way to
the Floridean sea

author comment

Friends will always be friends no matter where they are.
Some have to take journeys away from us and sometimes into places where there is no return ticket as we know them here, but keep faith with yourself and know that their impression on us and all they met will be an eternity of waves in that great universe.
Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

i a distant land with better health
'tis sad

author comment

Friends never really leave. Even after they leave this plane they still live on in our memories.......stan BTW , in last 2 line you might consider dropping one of the "only"s........stan

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