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loved's blog


We all really are....
Poetically musical

Though I'm prosaically cynical
Though we are not related
Yet all in life is relative

The moon and sun only
Are naturally

As human race
From the earth is
Absolutely abhortive

Your Admiration

Your Admiration

Is only because your brain is so wired,
Despite your ailment
You are bright
While others not ill,
Are so much without
Depth, love and insight

Coz our brains are integrated
Cast at birth
While in the womb
The mom knows not
what she is thinking,
Of the loveliest new arrival
or the tomb


Her thoughts get transplanted
In our infant,
yet to be born developing mind
Where can then anyone these two
Identical kind of brains ever find.

Unveil Me

So many times
So many have tried
Failed at it,
To unveil the veil upon my statue,
As I stand alive inside it.
That veil when my time comes,
To attain glory,
Guys and girls come out with stories gory

Why do you want to unveil the statue?
It’s not yet ready,
So they say,
Why unveil it in a half-baked way.
A living statue perhaps maybe
So they steal my recognition away,

This World Does

The world needs more
Positive poets and friends
Like you and many
I am just a passerby
Here today,

Tomorrow where will I be?

Who that can ever say
I am your friend
I say to

We all

Emerge to merge
With the remnants of the universe,
Of which we knowledgeably converse
As owners of the domains of time,
Of when our own
will finally be up

I dare to tread

Where even angels,
If any do dread,

Many works of creativity,
I have read
Many poets to victory lead,

I always endeavour
To help all those
Who for me care
As you do
now my poetry share.

Poetry Is a God Gifted Art

I commenced composing poems,
As early as eight years
When my first poem

The Truant,

Composed in a class,
Was taken away by my Principal

It was about an incident,
When schools kids went a riot....

I don't remember what I wrote
But ever since I have composed
Poetry of my own
as you must have noticed
No two poems of mine are alike,
They neither rhyme nor chime
But so many friends,
I can now claim as mine.

Gold vs. Silver

Gold vs. Silver

Gold is the only metal
Which one must possess
Silver is an add on

In many eastern countries
You can't marry
Unless you dress Ur bride in gold
Who pays is a different matter.

Then lock up the gold
And see what its value is
When you have to marry
Your daughter


For like every cloud
Marriage too has a silver lining
Only if you have wed
With tons of gold

Just My View

Just My View

Poets are few and far between
The universe has its limitations,
But then poets are Lord’s creation.

So I exhort all my brethren
Who love and enjoy
A soft spoken word
Do come forward folks
Hope you do hear

A pat on the back alone
Will many a poet cheer.
A soft population of rag pickers remains,
Literature has a vast domain
There is no need for voluminous refrain
But a brief reference will do

Poet keep at it will you
Such words alone
I think will do

I Shall Wait. (A major edit)

I Shall Wait

Oh my beloved,
As you go off to war,
I shall wait your return
In one piece

I shall be a single teen aged mother
Till you return,
Hopefully, your return
Is not with mournful trumpet call
Or Colours dipped on cobbles bare
As normally many do

Till then I shall await my Love,
For you,
As a widow
At this young age
I wouldn’t do


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