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Esker's blog

hesitant rush

feel the crush the swift
beat of heart
how love is broken
by so many streams
pulling in beams
like like through a
well cut diamond

the well of soul
where one can
thirst in the dry winds
and listen to the rustle
talk of the spirits
in the brush


post its on a wall
the photograph tray
all the blue bulletproof
scuffed with days
scoured in nights
and the trail

the trail is long
and haunted
with fretful ghosts
that whisper in
the night and draw
me from dreams
lucid and leering

everything rushs
like a swollen creek
the water weaving

the sky is calling
and I feel like
Im falling

carnage splendour

when Neopoet
went offline
and then I followed
it slowly to know
that all the works
were lost
I felt and still do
feel a careful desperate

and an extraction of truth
that nothing is ever
truly certian in the world

I am glad to be back
that Neopoet is here

thank you


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