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the Clark's Bar Sign

i stood there in the steep driveway; counting the seconds by the blinking of the big arrow pointing toward the door rather than the clock hanging on the wall. just standing there while the eighth wonder of the world played out in front of me -- car after car after car after car speeding by -- in Gilboa. GILBOA, where the only traffic jams are three car line ups behind temporary road work stop lights. this amazing thing made me think for some reason: where are my friends right now? most likely not waiting for a historical event to end.
my family had already crossed the street and piled into the tiny car. that meant i had to sit wherever there wasn't a huge five year old boy or a twelve year old girl who is almost taller than me.
i stood there for maybe two minutes, and during that time my thoughts washed over me like the water pouring over the dam across the street. i always get like this when i come to Clark's with my family. those people sitting by the bar by themselves never offered me any of their loneliness, which they seem to share so willingly with anyone who drinks beer and doesn't talk to them, and this time was no different. in this place, i am always alone in the worst of ways -- surrounded by people and trapped inside myself as i'm excluded from the "adult" conversation and certainly not taking part in the "kiddy" one.
i think about that person i miss so much. i think about my friend, then my other friend, then all of them in no particular order. i think about the friends i am severely attracted to, then try not to, since i'm not supposed to. as if to remind me of that Veronica makes fun of me for it, but doesn't understand that every day is torture -- especially when you say things and you know they don't mean it, and they will never mean it, that hurts most.
i feel really distant standing there, and cold, but a different kind of cold. i'm actually quite comfortable, really, but it's the distance that gets me. the distance between everything and me is cold, and that's what makes me see the words i wasted in the mirror on my own breath on a hot summer's day.
the last car passes, finally, and i start towards the car, almost sadly. i was sort of getting used to the cold.
but now, shoved between a car door and a huge five year old boy, it feels wrong to be so close to my family.
i can never get close enough to the right peple.


my puter timed out but I was writing this in a smoother
format..trimming lines that Ive picked up from my readings
in my almost fifty years..the first was this though
"I stood there (on) the steep driveway" small details
like that give placement..Like storyboard or minature
building..You know where architects have to sell their
designs?? I throw mine together though..
what else
"counting seconds by the big blinking arrow (aiming) at
the doorway..I ignored the clock hanging on the wall"
"Standing there while the eighth wonder of the world
played out on the road in front of me..Gilboa! car after
car speeding by and then, a three car traffic jam
in front of the temporary work road lights..that stopped
me! Where were my freinds right now? probably not
waiting for a historical event to happen in the strobe
of lights flashing.."

just my opinion on your work As it is Its beautiful though
I wanted to add to it Thanks for your poem

i see the difference. i probably will go back and tweak it a little accordingly; i usually just write it as i think it. i'm wierd like that, i think in poetry form and narrate things in my head sometimes :)

author comment

What an incredibly strong and wonderful story of youthful angst. True depth. Bold, passionate. Insightful and worthy.

Thank you for sharing. This is your forte, I think.


this is really how i see difficult situations in my head and sort them out like i'm manipulating some distant character. i'm not sure if you'd call it a short story or something like that, but yes, this is what comes easiest to me.
thanks so much,

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