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d e s h a b i a l l e

yankee hotel foxtrot

rain sizzles like a hot wind on spurned

the vision taps gleam
hotly in the flicker of light
the crash falling
in through the dark black waves
of sleep

bright as a wing
full of sunset

Editing stage: 


cool sheets
body heat
breath on my skin

curled tight
amber skies

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

"breath on my skin"
again the intimacy...the closeness...
fave line of your comment Carrie....

thank you....

author comment

intimacy doesn't always have to be dirty, it can be simple and beautiful, like someone breathing softly on your skin or running your finger tips gently up and down someone's arm....

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

long ago I remember these
the idle summer
the harsh winter

not dirty
not the driven or riven

hovering in the shadows
against heartbeats

or in the sluce of moonlight
stretched across an angle
of a room

author comment

Nights curled up
wrapped in
each other

Gentle touches
warm embraces
passionate kisses

a time for exploration

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

sunlight slapped on a dirty table
time stretching
its breeze taut

fraught duration
a machine hums
and a television murmurs


dream forward expectations
beyond the extinction of the edge
the mirage
where the sky shimmers
and hope floats...

author comment
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