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S e b a s t s h u n

sits on her royal haunches
dark saucer ovid watcher
and offers a submission
climbs aboard my haunted frame
her short shorn look
and leans her muscle clad
throat against
my chest
where my heart sings

my hand floats like a searching
and settles on her spine
on the union where her dark wings

we are both weary
brokering our deals
beneath auspicious
sweat stained days

we swing our turrets
our barrel ideals
and sharpen our edge
salivating on concept
and twitching in dream

There is a glimmer
on a mirage of happiness
like a halo burning
like eternity turning......

Editing stage: 


hotel yankee....

sun sets
firing the red in her hair
the door ajar
the motor idling
a cream applique for
the hot sun...the creamy pale
of her skin...Like a winter morning
drawn and drawling
the ghost of evening
entertaining the list of leaving...

and I am

("I am haunted..not wanted"....Esker 2013)

author comment

coveted heart
concealed beneath
ivory breasts

maudlin aura looming
heralds sacrifice
to the unknown perils

savages of love
ripped and torn edges
beckon forth

the gamble

this poem was exquisite esker
one of your finest
love the elixir of muse


beneath the banner
of enriched gain
the beacon stars
and tensed....

author comment

I think it would be God help us all if ever you met and tangled with a like soul.
The output would caress the world into a fight for life, great write,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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