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B l i g h t ment

there is blindness run
like a stain
spreading specimen

the soft decay
of our mortal meeting
closed off like the empty

rain filled and dust kept
annointed with ghosts
and winds

The fire consumed us
like a hungry
burning like brands
striving heavenward

broken halos

caustic tridents touch
in May ritual

I wake
while snow
crawls towards
the alley
past the bent

fraudlent and free
we wear our scars

press caresses
to old wounds
and alm

Editing stage: 


she tied you to the kitchen chair
she broke your throne and cut your hair
and from you lips
she drew a hallelujah

soft decay of mortal meeting

now its rough and I love it..revelling in its Cohenseque gravel
roll...was singing his works today and Waits while working
by my window crafting plaster for the tech marvels..bringing
magic to those in need of swift limbed travel....

spring is here...the cherry or apple tree out back of the little
mill house will be in my dreams and stories its
a blossom tree....I remember it when the snows fell and
the backyard light would fall through it and the snowflakes
on the chinese screen...

forever the television and Bryan Ferry
the oblivion of Pernod
the crash and crush of lost meeting
gathered for a moment in the storm

Thank You!

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