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Love letter

Words expressing emotions’
Thoughts put into writing,
Feelings expressed in poetry,
My soul felt on paper.
I’ll write you a love letter

A message delivered in ink,
My heart felt in text,
Securely sealed in an envelope
I’ll write you a love letter

As I reminisce on the moments,
And my heart yearns for your presence,
I won’t forget my promise,
You’re a precious angel of kindness, so
I’ll write you a love letter

I’m hoping u’ll be surprised,
And with an accompanying reaction,
separate your lips and crack a smile,
blink an eye and drop a tear,
take a deep breath and inflate your lungs,
you might skip a heart beat,
when you receive my love letter.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I love a good love poem! I especially enjoyed these lines:

As I reminisce on the moments,
And my heart yearns for your presence,
I won’t forget my promise,
You’re a precious angel of kindness, so
I’ll write you a love letter

only one little problem: a typo in this line:

"I’m hoping u’ll be surprised,"

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thanks for liking my poem
I'll try revise that line

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