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/ a z i m u t h \ t h e A r c h

hazel perillo's
climb into the shade of Mercurys gate
the vines are weeping winds
the salt kiss betroth sweet muses ache

Editing stage: 


words fall
etymology of history
beneath the cedar ice

flank of doors
I woke up
with the ghost
within my sighs
now I dream
her and I

author comment

coincidence or serendipity ? The poem I am working on and posted tonight is called Azimuth its an old one I have done a large edit on ... I love your short poem it says it all

as always a pleasure

sincerely JC x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

was what I was looking towards...
but I remembered Azimuth
I think I did one on another site
under this title

bending rules like love outside
what is the norm
(mistresses and married muses)

Thank You!

author comment
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