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I stand in an empty place
reaching far and wide
no horizons to hold onto,
and I am lost in vertigo.

useless are recollections
short flashes of life done
replayed in Death’s refraction.
meaningless are words
for they only say, never truly tell.
fearful is the silence I hear
hollow echoes of my prayers
into infinite spaces. *

*BLAISE PASCAL: “Le silence éternel de ces espaces infinis m’effraie” [The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.” ]

Editing stage: 


Too often we think ourselves and our world are huge when compared to the vast emptiness between the stars and huge gulfs between galaxies we are as an atom among the sands on a beach. Damn, there you go making me think and get a headache for the effort lol. Enjoyed reading..............stan

Pascal made me write this lol

SOCRATES: "Knowledge is suffering." What the hell did he know; he didn/t have spinal stenosis..............:)

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We are blessed that we can bridge those spaces in an instant.
We can reach for the stars and bathe in their glory.
We can hold our loved ones in our arms
We can never be truly alone as there are always those that walk with us.
Never lose sight of who you are and what you are.
You are a child of this universe, read the desiderata and believe.
It seems that you have a lot of catching up to do, and much to see.
Stop looking with your physical feelings they confuse the sight.
Look with your free spirit and enjoy the journey you have been on and the promise of the road stretching out in front of you.
There are arms waiting to hold you, but there is no hurry.
Maybe I didn't like Empty spaces LOL, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I hope u r right, Ian, Right now all I know is physcal pain, and it has become relentless,

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Keep the pain as physical,
let your Strength of Spirit,
see other things that the pain may shrink from.
Go well young Joe if only we could help other than sit with you.
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

about that damnable "eternal-silence". It frightens me too. I don't much fear the end of this life or the beginning of the next. As long as there is something more! I tremble at the thought of finality. The END of all, everything. No matter what comes next, I'll be ready, I ain't missing the bus! ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

There is no eternal silence, though the sounds are not used they have a language of their own and mostly think talk.
Even Killer will be there with you as you have made him so he will be, but he will be very surprised that he cannot wield a knife , just thoughts of love. hey thats going to Kill him LOL, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

You are a man of courage and at peace with yourself, I envy you these gifts. Your response was very encouraging to me. What people don't know about many diseases of my type is the chemical reactions in the rain that signal these "existential" thoughts and keep them there. BUT, a sense of humor helps--kinda,

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I wasn't scared. And... I tear myself over the coals everyday for what I did to this once beautiful body. However, there is no way, that if there is something more to look forward to; that I am going to miss out! A sense of humor means seeing the irony of how little we figure in the big things and just how big we are in the little things. We all matter. We are all intertwined and interrelated. Everything touches something else. I hope that it might be said at the end of my life here, that I had a positive impact on something. Rainy days just seem to bring out the existential thoughts, ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Courage means going on in spite of your fears, When we die something happens,. The mystery is what.

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