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Remembrence day

the 11 th hour,on the 11 th day,On the 11 th month,,We hope and pray,For all our soldiers,Fighting this day,That they return,All safe And sound,We need no more,In hallowed ground,So use this day,To Pray for All,And pray,That no more will fall,Think of the friends,That we have lost,The senseless Fighting,The lives Its cost,I will pray,For my Kingsmens Mates,Who lost there lives,In conflicts,Small And great,And pray that they,Will forever live,In our hearts,For what they've give,There faces I still see,And forever will,It haunt me,RIP,

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Editing stage: 


I remember lots of my friends, on the RFA ships in the Fauklands to the friends in Africa that gave their all.
And many servicmen I knew that stayed in other countries for ever.
An Uncle of mine, I had never met,from the WW1 he is buried in Jerusalem, he gave so that I could receive and to him and all the others I say "Thank You"
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

but let's also pray that our soldiers, many of whom join the military as a way to get an education, escape jail terms or simply escape poverty, do not have their lives squandered on wars based on greed for natural resources.

There is simply no excuse for war, ever.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thank you,i totally agree,I joined because my education was not that good,and wanted to improve my life,but ended up doing 2 tours of NI,hated it,but i had no choice,There is never any excuse whatever,for 1 human being to kill another

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