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Community discussion - encouraging more critiques/comments

This is the discussion thread for the recent proposal by the AC (

This discussion is now concluded. The AC has submitted a substantially different proposal that takes into account community feedback:

Since when does one need *Rules of Engagement*? Since the *knitting circle*, imo. So what happened after all these years? The knitting circle became what the site is *demanding*. There was a time engagement happened because it was as natural as natural as writing poetry.

Politics can be a focus of poetry but should never enter its hallowed doors...

Hey, I'm a fan of what works, what skillful means means when it is applied. Apparently, something isn't working and it needs a look that maybe comes from outside the box.

Just sayin'.

I explained it in reply to your last comment. Calling me a liar?
You said yourself you're out of touch with the site. That's now obvious.
Or are you just being gratuitously contentious?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Keep writing and peeling back the layers.


to right, the thing that was totally different was
back then, poets commented on most every
poem, we were critiquing the comments.

Hi Anna, are you going to post while you're here?
love to ya ~~~

author comment

Hi Richard, in my recollection, there was no *problem* before the site crashed. Folks wrote poems, commented. Folks also got over shit, if it happened. When it was *resurrected* a few months later, the site had changed. The more rules governing, the less participation. And of course, coincident to that life happened. The feel of Neopoet had changed.

The critiques of comments/commentary and the critic is childish and sets of camps of polarization. Adults don't complain to the management (this is a poetry site, ffs!); adults work out their problems. That's called participation in the democratic process

And maybe that no longer happens in real life any more. And I live in a dream world.

Love ya. right back at you.

Btw, Jess. I love you too, but you see the difference between you and Richard? Moonman didn't take it personally, as you did in your response.

and Neopoet is very personal to me.
And you lied. That's personal to anyone.
Why are you lying? What new rules after the crash?
I'm really starting to think that you are Barry using Anna's account.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I lied about what?

So many people being moderated and banned because people complained? Did you forget the modus operandi of Neopoet?

""A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep." -

Imo, Neopoet has been sleeping for a long time. I'm here to wake it up.

There were people banned for having repeatedly broken the site rules which had been unchanged and in place for years. They were banned after having been given Many chances to reform. And the bans were never handed out lightly.

Self-governance is key. Either Neopoet becomes boring and lackadaisical or people are afraid of honest critiquing which might *upset* the writer who sees it as a personal attack.

The irony, for those who choose to see it, is I came here with *my* honest critique. It isn't well-received is it?

See what I mean?


Maybe it's time for a group re-think.

My best. It's your ballpark and ballgame.

A writer can indeed accuse a critic of personal attack and then send a complaint to the AC. I have seen this happen many times. But what is overlooked is it takes a majority vote by the AC to decide a writer has been personally attacked. It's not up to the writer who sent the complaint. And even when the complaint is upheld there is a process in place by which it takes Numerous finding by the AC over a period of time before an author is even temporarily suspended and even more time and complaints being upheld before a life time ban is applied. And even then the ban is done with regret.
I know this because I was one of the supposedly "evil" AC members at a period of time when a few people hung themselves by their own behavior and each and every time I voted to ban somebody it was done as a last resort and done reluctantly.
One Good thing about this forum is it has brought you back and for that I'm thankful.Now get off your tush and post a poem lmao

there is also a provision by which a member can block a particular member who is offensive to him / her...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thank you, Mark. Your answer is much appreciated.

The only qualifier I make now is that *democratic process* gave Americans Trump, as well as Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc.

So, in the end it's all about the evolution of the poet as well as the site, here @ Neopoet.


How have you decided on the number of credits?
Why three?

I think if it would be possible to give different amounts of credits in accordance with the quality of the critique, it might help to avoid spam.

Also I have an idea! How about allow premium members to have extra credits? That might make a difference for some people who likes to post but not to comment.


and somewhat subjective. Comments I have regarded as worthless nonsense others have thanked the commenter for (consider a mutual acquaintance who is your biggest fan)

Besides the AC will invite complaints about spam, it will be monitored for by all the Advocates and credits presumably removed with a first warning.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I would like to know how many reads my poems get. I do not currently see this information.

If you look under your poem where the social media links are you will see the number of times it has been read.
It's in the Stream too-
Read more Add new comment 6 reads Bookmark this

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Number of reads is available as a new premium feature

The 3 critique incentive is possibly the most important change to Neopoet since the introduction of the one poem a day rule. Critique is our life-blood. It is what makes us exceptional. Most of us are very happy to offer critique and help other poets in any way we can but it is not easy, it requires thought, compassion and generosity. When it is not reciprocated it can start to feel like a chore.

We can only help when members submit poetry they want to work on and who will at least respond when critique is offered. Apart from the very rare genius of the like of Esker nobody can post a poem more than once a day that they genuinely want to workshop.

The three comment incentive is not arbitrary or mercenary it is of value to everyone. As I've said before we learn by thinking about and offering responses to others as much as we do from study or receiving critique. I will not offer critique to anyone who gives none, whatever their self-perceived mental incapacity, not even if paid to, I would firmly oppose an exception to this incentive for Premium members or anyone.

By crikey I do love to help but I am not into enabling egocentric 'poets' who not only won't help others but actually don't really want to learn and grow in this gorgeous art and craft.

When it comes to the referendum please support it. Everyone will benefit.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I think everyone has had a fair chance to voice their opinion and contribute suggestions about the proposed changes to decide on a criteria to promote critiquing poems of fellow members. It is now becoming more of arguments and counter arguments which I believe will create more animosity among members.

You will agree that a fair chance is also given to all members to vote for positions in AC through a very unbiased democratic process and those who occupy the positions invest a lot of resources principally by way of time. We should therefore recognize their efforts to continually improvise this workshop site. There would always be differences of opinion and what is expected is that the AC would go by consensus. Personally I too have an experience where even though I comment / critique on others poems very few do that for my poem. But it would not help the cause if i go on arguing against the proposed changes rather than look at them objectively and holistically.

I therefore make a fervent appeal to suport / accept the decision which the AC would arrive at and move on...

thanks and regards..

raj (sublime_ocean)

everybody to support this initiative. It would be worth a try and if the requirement proves too onerous it can always be changed or even eliminated in the future..............stan (scribbler)

From my perspective
My eyes already blurred and burning from reading all the comments just on the first thread. After concentrating, reading and commentary on two poems or so Im blinded for weeks literally is why I’m not as active but wishes to do more
With that said, I agree with the concept of getting more commentary, suggestions and critique on others poetry but I also feel a strict rule of this sort will drive down membership and many will become inactive more so or move on.
As been said, Neopoet has always been flexible and rules are meant to be changed.
I think a naturally inspired Neopoet works best. how we do that takes creativity.
I know my poems and comments are infrequent, but I’m on board with commenting before posting poems.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

Here we are exchanging opinions about the proposed revised criteria for posting poems in addition to 1 new poem per day and I see total domination of Stream 1 and 2 [under Track all site site activity] by poems of Mark.

raj (sublime_ocean)

when new comments are added to a poem or the author does revisions it goes to the top of the Stream.
And if you read the thread carefully you will see there is no proposal to allow more than one post a day.
None of Marks poems were new posts, he made changes to 30 or so poems and such an event is unlikely to happen again.

If someone did it on purpose to flood the Stream you can be sure action would be taken by the AC. These were exceptional circumstances.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thanks Jess for the fact this becomes a case scenario where miscreants [not Mark] try to do something similar...good to know that strict disciplinary action would then be initiated...

I hope our Expert Andrew is able to work around this problem and get so many poems of Mark off the "track all site activity" stream otherwise poems submitted by others are not likely to be looked at by others who may not go to 2nd or 3rd page

raj (sublime_ocean)

I found the suggestive thought of sharing commentary on poems of 3 poets before posting my poem today welcoming and mentality stimulated inspired interaction for poems of others.
Being a stick to structure type human at outset of any project I welcome the flexibility this project will take us.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

A lot of discussion here, amongst the AC, the Trustees and the Directors. No blood has been drawn and I suspect we may be close to the ultimate significator of human discourse and civilisation- consensus.

Not for me to say but I'm sure we will have a result that is both beneficial to all and detrimental to none, soon.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Another way might be to not allow a comment to post to a writer's latest poem until the poet comments on 3 others. This way a person can continue to post but will receive no benefits of others' commentary until They give some feed back. Now ya'll have something else to argue about lmao

because that's the norm of a workshop is like don't join a school if you don't want to wear a uniform...that's my take on your question Mark

raj (sublime_ocean)

for a number of reasons

1. To satisfy one's creative instinct
2. To keep sharpening the skills with the aide of take aways after reading the posts of others
3. Not that all poems are read and/or critiqued / commented upon but by the same token it is also not that no poem of a member is commented upon
4. Be a first line bencher by being in the main stream by editing and updating your poems or their title...participate in workshops and contests and by commenting on poems of fellow members

raj (sublime_ocean)

tell them about how many are members with progressive numbers
appraise them about contests and workshops
someone is also taking testimonials to be posted on social media
tell them about mentorship
and such other positives

raj (sublime_ocean)

Mark when i google searched for "online poetry workshops" I didn't find Neopoet listed through 1st seven any one may do I didn't search beyond that...

It is necessary to get our website on the 1st page which could help getting more members is my can also find out from websites listed on 1st page what may have got them there...

raj (sublime_ocean)

which is done for the Author's benefit will only be unread if the author never comments on others' works. And over time people will stop commenting on a person's work if their comments aren't posted. It is using a carrot and a big stick to increase participation

If a poet can't find anything good or bad to say about 3 of the poems posted by other poets, and expects comments to be made about their poems. (i.e. Hooray for me!) I don't think that contributes to the idea of a virtual workshop. This is not a private club, it's a workshop. I don't see the problem. It sounds like a spoiled child "O, do I really have to comment on other people's work? That's not fair!!"
Like gimme a break


I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

was just thrown out to show there may well be other ways to increase commentary in case the main method under discussion doesn't work out.

is a great idea. Trying to quantify quality of comments really doesn't work without complex rubrics, but going with a median word length and making that a minimum to be counted sounds like fair.

Totally willing to try this. I know I would be one of the few who would likely never be slowed down in terms of having to meet my comment quota in order to post, so it may not even affect me at all, but I hope folks will at least give it a try and take it as a means of encouragement instead of a means of stifling.


Critique, don't comment.

Community guidelines:

To see our learning resources, click the "Curated Resources" link under the Resources tab in the top menu bar.

Is the frame work for this proposal now crystallized to be a policy? Just curious...

raj (sublime_ocean)

but we are diligently working on it.

author comment

I know how challenging it can be to get the framework well balanced and right..having said that it should not become like DACA going back and forth....i believe it would be good to set a date line to make folks believe that it is not just an idea...any alterations as deemed fit can be put in place later...isn't it? I already see diminishing numbers in comments....

raj (sublime_ocean)


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