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Renga 6 Enmity dies friendships blossom

Let enmity die
so that friendship blooms anew
in its true beauty
rid self of clandestine thoughts
dissembling friendship dark doubts

Back to back under
a sprouting spring tree swaying
no words are needed
carving letters on the bowl
joining like souls for ever.

Letters may wither
yet the bowl will symbolize
delight in sharing
cattle graze where old house stood
memories of past lingers

The jingle of bells
ring like those nursery rhymes
when the cattle graze
change to milk abundant grass
loads of methane cooking gas

And I think of herds
of both cattle and people
safety in numbers
but also the loss of oneself
a sometimes bitter trade off

True love and friendship
tall trees behind thick forest
hidden under brush
In cozy shade of the greens
branches reach out to befriend

Sit and drink the thoughts
take the world off of your back
enjoy your dream state
think others, and how they are
be aware of things to share..

Try mending fences
make most of the gift of life
with a welcome smile
life is simply beautiful
let us build bridges, not walls

Let heaven witness
as two spirits lay entwined
in silent passion
through warm hugs and sweet kisses
one courts peace and harmony

Starlit sky whispers
love told to listening ear
held forever dear
morning sun hides the whispers
profusion of smiles break out

Cock-a-doodle call
potty time calls out granny
little ones queue up
Robin and Parrot gather
fruit and nut for their babies

As the bird sing out
look for the smile of a child.
they are beautiful
let me be a child in life
seeking joy avoiding strife.

Joy is infectious
read scripts on baby faces
licking lollipops
come night, huddle with the blokes
engrossed in bed time stories

We shall journey on.
each to their own way of life
so let your love flow.
call to me when you are near
rejoice as we draw closer.

Time to celebrate
friends and foes shed enmity
drowning it in wine.
no matter how strong the chill
warmth of a hug is supreme

Come to the table
where poets co write
learn how to renga
under the cherry blossom
friends meet to etch their stories

Co Authors
Barbara Writes
Ian T

Editing stage: 


Thanks for the experience. It was fun learning this style by participating in this workshop organized so well by dear Barbara...


raj (sublime_ocean)

It seem the easiest way to teach the differences between four japanese poetry form.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

for your contributions.


This reads very well and flows well,
A great success to your Renga due to your hold and assembly.
Thank you for all you have done here,
Yours as always Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I love doing it

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment
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